Peripheral Exploration

You wanted me to stay in the centre
Where it is safe
Where it has a name
Where everybody recognized

But I was not happy there
I felt lifeless and troubled
Like fish lying on a dry ground
Not knowing which way to move my body

Don’t go there
Don’t go to the periphery
You said
It’s dangerous out there

Which is better
I asked myself in growing pain and numbness
To explore the unknown periphery
Or to stay here drying up

After all
What’s the difference between them?
What’s the big deal?
Centre or periphery?

Once I get there
The periphery will be my new centre
So, I might as well try something new
A peripheral life

This is a report from the periphery
This place feels like the centre, indeed
Except that
I feel happy and safe now

So, please don’t worry about me
Because there is really no need
Fish is now back in the water
That’s all what’s happened

If you are happy over there
I’ll be even happier over here
Think of my peripheral exploration
And all the fun I might be having right now