Story Photographs

The Alternative Reality

The spring I turn eight, one day, I find a beautiful blank notebook in my mother’s collection. Recently, I have been thinking how if my brother had been alive, he would be starting kindergarten this month. With the blank notebook in my hands, his first day at kindergarten starts playing in my mind. In this

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A Bug in the Eye

This story is a continuation of “Campfire under the Starry Sky.” “There is a bug in your eye!” My teacher’s concerned eyes meet mine. I have just come out of the breakfast room and greeted my teacher and a group of friends walking with her. “Yes, she’s right!” One of my friends exclaims in surprise.

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A Bunny Appeared

A bunny appearedFrom an old bag of stuffed animalsDusty and shabbyBut she had something to sayRaising her chin and flaring her skirtI’m here! Finally, you found me! She hopped out of the bag, eyes wide with eagerness Show me the world! Oh, show me the world! Faced with such enthusiasmHow could I tell herThat she

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The Rumour

I am six in this memory. In late April, I am sitting with my two best friends in the playground. Our playhouse activity has come to a halt, and currently, we are just sitting, dangling our legs in the spring breeze. “She says she feels sorry for Maiko,” my friend’s voice grabs my attention. “She

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Cuddling Time

In this memory, I am five years old. It is a weekend morning. As soon as my eyes open, the first thing I do is to locate my mother’s whereabout. As an early riser, her sleeping spot next to me is always empty by the time I wake up. In our tiny apartment, one can

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It’s that time of yearThe city’s annual firework festivalFrom toddlers to their grandparentsThey all go outTo watch this once-a-year magic Among these peopleAre me and my parentsSitting on the grassLooking up at the skyAfter who knows how many years The first firework shoots up in the skyEverybody bursts into cheersAmong them is me and my

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The Ritual of THE END

This is a memory from the time when I am five and my little brother is two. On weekday evenings, my mother, brother, and I do a small reading time before bedtime. After dinner and a bath, we all sit on the floor in our pajamas next to our family couch – because the couch

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Making Wishes to Santa Claus

This memory is from the time when I am five and my little brother is two. Autumn deepens, and it is that time of the year again when we start thinking about Santa Claus and what we want for the upcoming Christmas. This year, I know exactly what I want. It is another toy from

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