Story Photographs

Small Satisfaction

It starts with a flyer in your mailboxA spark of inspiration ignitesAs you flip through the pagesAn idea for a change The next thing you knowThe box arrivesAnd a tiny piece of furnitureReplaces a bulky unfitted one It’s a tiny change in your tiny homeYet it’s significantBecause nowYour face is lit up with a smile

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The amazing night view

Last summer, when I visited my family in Japan for a few months, I happened to spend a night in Tokyo. I was visiting a family member in the region until late in the evening, then I had an appointment to visit a friend in central Tokyo the following morning. Since all I needed was

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The moment of comfort

In Autumn 2016, I visited Ottawa for the first time. It was a week-long stay to meet my supervisors-to-be at University and explore the city to see if I could see myself living there. I’d just finished my previous study in England, and after visiting a few different cities in Germany and Italy visiting friends

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The calling of crows

In this memory, I’m nine years old. It’s Saturday afternoon, and I’m attending a group lesson at a local music school with my friends. There are five of us in the room. Our teacher plays a melody on the piano, and we write down the notes as we hear it, trying to recover the melody

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I cannot fake

I cannot fakeI cannot say it is of utmost importanceWhen my life is fine without itI cannot say I want itWhen my heart desires something elseI cannot say I worry about itWhen my mind is at peace with itDon’t expect those beliefs from meEmpty and pointlessI cannot fake

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A little over a decade ago, when I was in college, I went on a family trip to London, England, for about three weeks. Since my English communication skills were still basic at the time, I decided to attend a language school during my stay. The school I chose was situated in the Bloomsbury District,

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Chamomile Tea and Cinnamon Roll

Around the time I entered high school, the first Starbucks opened in my hometown. Housed in a narrow concrete building near the railway station, the first floor was for the food and drink purchase and the second floor was the seating area. Being the first Starbucks in town, the interior was luxurious with fashionable tables

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Your delivery is here

In this memory, I’m nine years old. One day, as I come home and stand outside the front door, I get inspired to pretend I’m a delivery person. “Hello?” comes my mother’s voice from the intercom, and I put on a deeper voice, mimicking a typical delivery person that comes to our house. “Your delivery

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It’s not something you declareSomething you forceOr something you strive for Don’t even work hardBecause otherwiseYou might miss it, the sign The subtle shift in your bodyA slightly different thoughtA moment of clarity Change is happeningQuiet like a sprout on the groundPowerful like arriving summer Take a noticeThat’s all you doAnd you’re morphing into a

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The Tape Recorder Magic

In this memory, I’m seven years old. In summer, my two best friends come over to my family’s new home for a sleepover. It’s our first overnight stay together, and therefore, our excitement is over the moon. Just as evening blossoms into night, the three of us are playing in my family’s bedroom, running and

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