A Bunny Appeared

A bunny appeared
From an old bag of stuffed animals
Dusty and shabby
But she had something to say
Raising her chin and flaring her skirt
I’m here! Finally, you found me!
She hopped out of the bag, eyes wide with eagerness
Show me the world! Oh, show me the world!
Faced with such enthusiasm
How could I tell her
That she and others in the bag
Were to be transferred to a garbage bag?
I couldn’t
This bunny was a gift from somebody
When I was a baby
Much of her life was spent
In the darkness of my toybox forgotten
Now she was thrilled
At the prospect of her new life
Not even a drop of doubt on her face
And that convinced me
The bunny was put into the laundry machine
This morning
As she was hung in the sun with shirts and pants
A new life began for her
An exciting new adventure