There were a man and a dog that I would see on my way to work every morning. Right when I came down the hill, I would spot them walking in my direction. The man was probably in his seventies, and he walked slowly as his small, white, fluffy dog took time checking out plants here and there along the street.
One weekend morning, I was heading to work in a hurry when I saw familiar figures ahead of me. They were the man and his white dog. Today, they were walking in the same direction as I was. As I quickly walked up behind them, suddenly, the dog stopped walking and started examining the grass of someone’s front garden. No matter how hard the owner nudged him, the dog wouldn’t budge. Finally, he gave in. The man stood beside his dog, looking up at the sky, while the dog busied himself smelling the grass.
When I greeted them before passing them, the man smiled at me sheepishly. His dog was too busy checking out the ground that he didn’t notice me.