October 2023

Egg or Soybeans

This is a loose continuation of the post Running Late. On those mornings when my father isn’t available, my mother sends me to my friend’s house so that I can walk to kindergarten with them. I leave home early at the same time as my mother leaves for work, then she drops me off at […]

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Running Late

I’m five or six in this memory. My mother takes me to kindergarten every morning except one day a week when she has work early in the morning. Then, one of the two things happen. Either I go to kindergarten with my friend and her mother, or if my father is up, he takes me.

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A Weekday Morning Scene

I’m five years old in this memory. It’s a weekday morning. I never seem to notice the morning’s arrival until my mother comes to wake me up. “Sweetie,” she calls out in a loud voice that yanks me out of sleep. “Time to wake up!” In our tiny living room, my little brother is already

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Fear of Darkness

I’m five years old in this memory. These days, I’m afraid of darkness. Whenever I’m alone in the dark, a sense of insecurity creeps up on me. What if I see something I don’t want to see? Like a ghost? Luckily, my home is so tiny that there isn’t much darkness even in the night.

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Words about Bananas

Once upon a timeA lady took me to a supermarketShe needed a few itemsTo keep in her room:Yogurt and bananas First, we collect yogurtA package of four small onesI keep them on my windowsillShe tells meIt’s cold and works like a fridge Next, we go to bananasHeaps of them await usI like small yellow onesShe

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The Noodle Stand

This story is a loose continuation of The Train Speaks. Another unique thing about this local train ride to my grandmother’s was that just before we got onto the train, there was a tiny noodle stand on the platform. It was the size of a regular kiosk one would find on a station platform, but

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The Train Speaks

When I was small, every summer, I used to visit my maternal grandmother in the countryside with my mother. We would take a bullet train to a nearby city, then from there, take a local train to get to the closet station. One of the family members would meet us at the station and drive

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