January 2023

Paradise behind a tofu shop

When I was about five and lived in a community of tiny half-dilapidated apartments, there was a street just outside of the community’s premise which was a full of tiny local shops and restaurants serving the neighbourhood. Almost everything we needed in our everyday life could be found there: fruits and vegetables, meat and fish, […]

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Face on the spoon

When I was small, I had a round stainless spoon that I used for almost every meal. It was just a cheap spoon designed for little kids, but my favourite nonetheless. Its perfect circular shape fascinated me. Before each meal, I always took a good look at my spoon, admiring the way it was perfectly

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Laughter and Earthquake

I am six years old in this memory. I am at kindergarten, it is the free activity time. A group of girls are playing a game called bird in the cage in the next room. My friends and I pass by, and since they seem to be having a lot of fun, we join them.

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A Scary Place

When I was about seven years old, every Saturday, I used to go to a small music school in the city centre to attend a mandatory music theory group lesson. Usually, my mother drove me there, but once in a while, when she was not available, my father took me there by subway. After about

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Red Lights!

When I was about nine, one of my friends visited our house with her mother and little sister. She and I used to play a lot when we both lived in the community of tiny half-dilapidated apartments, but now that we lived far away from each other, it was such a special occasion to be

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A mother’s visit

When I was in the final year of kindergarten, our teachers made an arrangement to invite the parents and guardians to our classes so that they could spend a whole day with us doing all the activities together. What was unique about this initiative was that instead of inviting them all at the same time,

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A Pen Case

When I was small, there was one shopping mall in the city centre of my hometown where my mother regularly went to buy clothes and other nonperishable items. In the spring when I was turning six, I accompanied her to the mall and found a large selection of stationary items designed for first graders. A

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