December 2022

Adventure inside a house

When I was six, my family moved to a new house in the suburb, leaving the community of tiny half-dilapidated apartments in the city centre where we had lived for five years. The house was part of a new suburban development, and as such, everything in this neighbourhood was carefully designed: the streets, the playground, […]

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The spring when I was turning eleven, my family made our first oversea trip. The destination was London, England, and we stayed there for ten days. It was my first time ever to go outside of my own country, and so, I observed everything that came into sight with great curiosity. The colourful underground trains,

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Miss 160cm

Growing up, I was always one of the tallest kids in my age group. When I entered primary school, I started growing even faster, and every year, I was about 10cm taller than the year before. By the time I was in Grade 5, my height reached 160cm, becoming as tall as my mother. At

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Castella Cake and Red Bed

When I was four or five, my little brother got pneumonia and was admitted to a local hospital for some time. My mother accompanied him for the hospital stay. One day, my father and I went to visit them at the hospital to see how they were doing. My father put me on the back

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Being Overly Cautious

The spring when I turned thirteen, I made my first solo trip to visit my aunt in another city. It was about a four-hour journey by an intercity express train to get to her place. Growing up under parents who were overly concerned about my safety, I had never travelled alone on a train prior

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