September 2022

Memory of yogurt

When I was six, one day shortly after my little brother had passed away, I was playing with my best friend’s little sister. Usually, my friend, her sister and I hung out together, but that day, my friend was out playing with somebody else, and we were just the two of us. My friend’s sister […]

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The Night Routine

When I was about three and my baby brother didn’t yet sit or walk, the evening bath time was a very hectic event for my mother. In our tiny half-dilapidated apartment, as soon as the bathtub was filled with the warm water, my mother would usher us all to the bathroom. She would place my

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When I walked up a wrong hill

It was when I was about seven or eight. One fine spring day, my mother and I were visiting my great aunt’s place in Tokyo. Since the weather was so pleasant, we decided to go for a walk in a nearby park. This park was not only well-known in the area but also a place

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